
Professor J. Heinämäki Eesti-Soome teadustöö stipendium farmaatsia erialal (HEINA stipendium)

Stipendiumi eesmärk

Stipendiumi eesmärgiks on toetada magistrantide ja doktorantide üliõpilasvahetust, õppe- ja teadustöötajate koostööd ja kontaktide sõlmimist Eesti ja Soome vahel farmaatsia erialal.

Toetusperiood ja stipendiumi suurus

Stipendium on loodud prof. Jyrki Tapio Heinämäki ja Eesti Akadeemilise Farmaatsia Seltsi vahelise koostöölepingu alusel 5 aastaks (2016-2020). Stipendiumi saajate arv sõltub esitatud taotlustest ja kokku antakse välja toetusi kuni 1000 eurot ühe kalendriaasta kohta (summa on vastavalt suurem eelmise stipendiumiaasta võimaliku jäägi võrra). Stipendium on tulumaksuvaba. Stipendiumi eisaa kasutada töötasu maksmiseks.

Stipendiumi taotlemine

Stipendiumitaotlusi saavad esitada Tartu Ülikooli meditsiiniteaduste valdkonna farmaatsia instituudi magistrandid (üliõpilased) ja doktorandid, õppejõud ja teadustöötajad. Taotlusi stipendiumi saamiseks saab esitada aastaringselt. Stipendiumi saamiseks esitataks vabas vormis taotlus koos motivatsioonikirjaga (kokku maksimaalselt 1 lk pikkune) elektrooniliselt EAFS-i juhatusele ( Stipendiumi taotlust menetleb komisjon, kuhu kuuluvad EAFS juhatus ja lisaks või kaasaarvatud prof. J. Heinämäki. Stipendiumitaotluste otsused tehakse teatavaks hiljemalt ühe kuu jooksul pärast taotluse esitamist EAFS-le. Pärast stipendiumi saamist ja kasutamist peab stipendiumi saaja hiljemalt ühe kuu jooksul (pärast taotluses näidatud projekti lõppu) esitama stipendiumikomisjonile aruande koos lisadokumentidega (kuluarved, originaaltšekid jms.) stipendiumivahendite kasutamise kohta (maksimaalselt 1 lk).

Tartu, 17.02.2016

Jyrki Heinämäki, Professor

Karin Kogermann, Asepresident

EAFS Professor J. Heinämäki Estonian-Finnish Research Fund in Pharmaceutical Sciences (HEINA)


To support MSc/PhD student exchange, teaching and academic research collaboration and contacts between Estonia and Finland in Pharmaceutical Sciences.


The HEINA Fund is created and maintained by the mutual agreement between Prof. Jyrki Heinämäki and Estonian Academical Society of Pharmacy (EASP), and the agreement between the partners is made for the subsequent 5 years at the time. Hence, the present agreement is valid for 2016-2020. Prof. J. Heinämäki will pay the annual sum of 1000.00 Eur to the EASP bank account (the first payment will be made in March 1, 2016, and subsequently, in January 1 in each year).

Grant application and payment

The grants can be applied by the MSc/PhD students, teachers and researchers (including postdocs) of the Institute of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu, Estonia. Call for applications is open all over the year and is announced at the web-page of EASP. Free format applications with a motivation letter (maximum one page) are directed to the HEINA Research Fund Scientific Board, which is composed of the EASP Board members including (or completed with) Prof. J. Heinämäki. The funding decisions are made by the Research Fund Scientific Board in the extended meeting of the EASP Board within 1 month after application submission. After receiving and use the grant, the granted individual needs to make a short report (maximum one page) on the use of funding (including the original receipts), and to send this report to the HEINA Research Fund Scientific Board within one month after the end of grant activity.

Implementing provisions

The present grant is exempt from taxation. The grant is not possible to use for salary payments. Several grants can be given during one year within the limits of the total fund resources (for 1 year the total sum is 1000.00 Eur). In case of no applicants, no grant will be given and the money will be saved and summed with the next years payment. The HEINA Fund bank account access is only for the Board Member of EASP, who has the official permission and access to the society bank account(s) of EASP.

Tartu, February 17, 2016

Jyrki Heinämäki, Professor

Karin Kogermann, The Vice-President of EASP